Hot Work
Hot work includes all spark-producing activities that take place outside of designated hot work areas. It includes arc welding, flame cutting, oxy-acetylene welding, grinding etc.
All hot work requires a permit. Hot Work Permits and information relating to them are obtained from the Site Contact.
The Hot Work Permit is only valid for a specific period on a specific day to a maximum of one shift length. If the work will extend beyond the time limits recorded on the permit, contact your Site Contact.
The Hot Work Permit is valid for a specific task at a named location. You cannot perform a task not listed on the permit, or work on a location other than the one recorded on the permit. For example, if you have a permit to operate a grinder in a building, you cannot oxy cut as well, nor can you grind in another building or location.
A hot work permit is not required on Manchester Tank and Equipment sites?