Manchester Tank & Equipment Co.PG1 Online Manchester Tank Induction



The purpose of this online induction is to orientate Contractors to the Manchester Tank & Equipment – Australia (MTA) site.  For the purposes of this on-line document a Contractor is any firm, organisation, or individual who performs work for MTA, but is not directly employed by MTA.  Examples of Contractors include; plumbers, painters, consultants, installers of any equipment and sub-Contractors to any of these groups.

Contractors will not be permitted to enter the site unless they have been through the induction process.  This induction is valid for a 12 month period only.  Entry onto the site at the expiration of this period will only be permitted after the Contractor has been re-inducted.

The Contractor induction program provides a framework to ensure that all Contractors are subject to the same EHS procedures as Company personnel.  There are four main elements, which are needed in order to achieve this:

  1. Ensure that the Contractor is aware of the Company’s EHS procedures relevant to their work on site.
  2. Ensure that all Contractors are inducted on a minimum 12 monthly basis.
  3. Ensure that each job undertaken has a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) completed by the Contractor, which is reviewed and signed by the Site Contact to ensure the Contractor is aware of their obligation to maintain safe plant and equipment and safe systems of work.
  4. Ensure that the Site Contact maintains contact and conducts regular inspections of the Contractors work ensuring compliance with relevant legislation and standards.

How long is this induction valid for?

6 Months
12 Months
24 Months

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